Seller FAQ

What are the fees?

Center Stage takes a 10% fee on the sale price (this does not include the price of shipping). That’s it. No hidden fees.

When do I get paid?

Funds will be transferred to your Stripe account three days after delivery of the order to the buyer’s address (as confirmed by tracking), unless the buyer has filed a claim. You can manage payouts from your Stripe Connect dashboard. If the buyer has filed a claim, we will investigate and do our best to quickly …

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How is shipping handled?

Center Stage will purchase shipping on behalf of all sellers. If you pay for shipping, those fees will not be reimbursed. We believe that providing a simple and consistent shipping experience will improve the collecting experience for everyone. Our simple 3-step shipping policy: 1. Wrap cards between two pieces of cardboard and place them in …

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What does the M icon stand for?

The M icon stands for “Master” copy, which mean the image and title have been verified as correct. Using the Master copy to list a card for sale will result in greater visibility and trust to other users.